Discover 100 GOLF

The first golfing app to enable golfers to collect and save the different courses they play and share their experiences with their friends.
Archive & organize your courses

Archive &
organize your

You can directly find the course you are looking for thanks to a directory that gathers your whole collection. An interactive map highlights the extent of your collection and enables you to access a specific file.
Keep a record of your information, collect memories, compare your scores, see and see again your course in full screen.

Start my collection
Course profiles

Customise your course profiles

Our app can enhance your course profiles in a simple and fun way by using a wide range of personalization tools. Create a presentation by means of provided or personal HD photos and accompanying texts. Share your emotions and experiences with your friends.

Details of a course profile
Prestigious collections


100 GOLF offers to incorporate 4 courses collections with specific goals. Prestigious, original and progressive, they will set the tempo of your passion regardless of your practice and the frequency of your game.
To thank you and congratulate you for having achieved those goals, rewards will be granted.

Thus you will enter the legend of the 100 GOLF.

Learn more about the collections

They talk about it better than us

Save your course in real time

Save your
in real time

For every new game, for every new course, a simple connection enables the collector to update his information in real time and thus enhance his collection.

icone 100 golf

Create a shortcut
on your smartphone

Download the PDF

Share your passion

Share your

Unique in this area, this platform enables to share your rounds and your comments with a vast community of players. Or if you prefer, simply restrict access to your circle of friends.

Here is the list of the most beautiful golfs in the world.
It will allow you to complete the prestigious 100GOLF Diamond collection.

Optimise the visual impact of the course and enhance your image.
Boost your business with collectors visiting from both close to home and further afield.
Motivate members of your sporting associations through friendly events and external competitions.
Create a dialog with collectors.

Enjoy unrestricted access to your own club profile in order to add to your course information
by providing high-definition photos and descriptions.

Contact our club services