Golfklúbburinn Glama

Glama Golf course Thingeyri, Islande
9 trous
par 72

Golf Club Glama was esteblished April 21st 1991. Its golf course is located on the property of abandoned farm Medaldalur on Bay Dyrafjordur, about 5 kilometres outside the village. Thingeyri is the oldest trading post of the Westfiords. Thriving fishing and fish processing are the main sources of employment, but services to tourists increase by the year and one of Iceland’s oldest houses , a warehouse dating back to the 18th century, is at Thingeyri.

© Golfklúbburinn Glama

5082 m
Slope : 126
4534 m
Slope : 127

Golfklúbburinn Glama


GPS : 65.87046000 - -23.59131700

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